Samuel Machat

software developer




Cadence was my capstone project for Lambda School. I worked on a team of five for five weeks to build the app. My contribution centered around building out the data model, REST endpoints, API access control, as well as data parsing for the calendar component, client-side authentication, and email invite functionality.



This is a marketing website I built for a children’s book. I coordinated with the authors and publisher to design, build, and ship the site. It is built with Gatsby for super fast performance.

Remote FS


Remote FS is an app that facilitates uploading and downloading of small files and organization thereof into folders. The frontend is build with a recursive directory structure and with file uploads and downloads to and from S3.



This app is a full stack build for the code-breaking game Mastermind. The gameplay is built with a drag and drop input field. State for the entire application is managed by Redux. Styles are applied inline via self-contained presentational components. An Express server running Sequelize and Postgres stores user scores to create a high scores tab.

Lambda Notes


I build this for front end project week at Lambda School. It’s a basic note taking app, but one that also includes a zombie note. For the project we had a shared server and someone in the group kept deleting people’s notes, so I wrote my client to always recreate this “zombie” note if it saw that it was missing.

Story of Keswick


I rebuilt this marketing website from WayBack Machine archives. The original developer had let the host expire and lost the build information. Site includes two and half dozen blog posts dynamically generated from markdown, paginated, and searchable by time period.